Queen Mary Crescent, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 1JT

01302 882221



Kirk Sandall Infant School

Children's University

This term we are again offering all our children the opportunity to get involved in the children’s university.
Participating in the university promotes learning out of school and is aimed at raising aspiration and achievement, increasing motivation and recognising children’s personal learning.
All children who would like to participate will have a passport which will be signed if they attend our out of school clubs and activities and learning destinations across Doncaster. As the children gather credits they receive awards for the amount of hours of additional learning they engage in and there are also celebration events.
Codes for our After-School Clubs?Activities are shown below:
Lifeology  - red4570 (please add Code weekly)
Tae Kwon Do - blue4701
Active Fusion Holiday Camp - purple9569
10 Day Active Travel Challenge - purple8246