Key Stage 1
Children in Years 1 and 2 are part of Key Stage One.
The New National Curriculum for children in Key Stage One which became statutory for all children in September 2015 consists of the subjects listed below. They are:
Design and Technology
Art and Design
Physical Education
English, mathematics and science are called ‘core’ subjects. Schools must also teach Religious Education. All the other subjects are called ‘foundation subjects’. The school has developed a cross-curricular approach to learning and teaching and also focussing on child-initiated learning.
We aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all children that promotes the development of the whole child. In addition to the requirements of the National Curriculum we also focus on the social, physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual growth of each child.
We aim to build on children’s strengths, interests and experiences so they can achieve their full potential.
We aim to provide experiences that promote positive attitudes and self-esteem enabling children to develop the skills necessary for them to become lifelong learners in a multi-cultural, technological society.
English and Mathematics
English is usually covered through topics based on a key text and is a common thread through all learning. There are sessions set aside each week for teaching phonics, grammar, spelling and handwriting.
There are daily sessions for Mathematics where children are taught number, data handling and shape, space and measures. The work focuses on the development of Kirk Sandall Infant School mental mathematics skills and using and applying their skills to everyday situations. We promote a mastery approach.
Science activities are primarily practical and there is a strong emphasis on observation, discussion, investigation and the solving of problems. Children often work in mixed ability groupings in Science lessons and children are encouraged to work co-operatively with others in a group situation as well as individually, and as part of a whole class.
Religious Education and Worship
This school has no religious affiliations. It is taught according to guidelines and within the framework of the Education Reform Act. We base our lessons on the Doncaster SACRE.
Although based mainly on Christian beliefs other world religions are studied so children develop a greater understanding of other cultures and global diversity. All the children share a collective worship time each day. A yearly programme of themes is planned with spiritual, cultural, social and moral themes. After discussion with the Headteacher, parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Collective Worship if they have issues related to religious beliefs. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
This is included as part of Science and Health Education topics in school and is introduced informally where it is felt there is a natural link with other parts of the curriculum. Any questions that may be asked by the children are answered in an honest and sensitive way appropriate to the age of the child. A copy of the schools Relationships and Sex Education policy is available on request from the Headteacher and the school website. The school nursing team also supports the teaching of the Science and health education curriculum.
Children are continuously assessed by staff to find out what they have learnt and to enable effective planning of the curriculum to ensure the progression of each of the children. These assessments are made against age related expectations which can be found in the New National Curriculum document. Records are kept in school and the progress of children is tracked. This information is shared with parents/carers at open evenings/record of achievement meetings. However during their time in school they will be also assessed in line with statutory requirements. An Early Years baseline assessment is completed at the start of their Reception year, a Phonics Assessment in Year 1 and SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) are administered at the end of Year 2.